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Aranea description

Years of development to make the perfect 5×5 matrix

We have done a lot of prototypes. We have experimented a lot. We have tried a lot of potentiometers. It is now ready.

Aranea is more than your typical matrix mixer. It is set up as a 5×5 attenuverters matrix.

When a pot is at noon, no signal will pass. Absolutely none. This was our biggest challenge. We ended up ordering custom center detent potentiometers to do just that.

If you turn a knob to the right you will increase its volume with up to a gentle 1.2X amplification. If you turn a knob to the left you will increase the volume while inverting the phase. Useful for DC signals like LFO or envelopes, great in audio patches and specially for feedback work.

Aranea has a main AC / DC switch. A single toggle will switch on or off output DC blocking capacitors for all channels.
When in AC mode, DC blocking will happen at the output. You can still use DC signals at the input to push the audio into the soft limiter built in all outputs.

Bonus trick : when in AC mode, plug the output of a channel back in an input, twist the corresponding knob and you get yourself an oscillator.

When in DC mode, no capacitors are present in the mixer path, allowing use with all kind of slow signals, LFOs, enveloppes, gates, and so on.

Extra outputs can be particularly handy. The exclusive “/” and “\” outputs are the diagonal outs (AI, BII, CIII, DIV, EV and AV, BIV, CIII, DII and EI).

Each output has a limiter kicking at around 14Vpp to keep the gnarliest of feedback loops in check. Also useful as a distortion when the signal is “pushed” or “pulled” in the limiter.



  • 5 inputs (lines)
  • 5 main outputs (columns)
  • 4 additional outputs (A+B, \, / & D+E)
  • 25 bipolar attenuators

Technical characteristics

  • 1.2X gain per knob
  • Soft clipping from 15Vpp
  • Single switch AC / DC mode switching
Power70mA @ +12V
90mA @ -12V
0mA @ +5V
ModulargridAranea on Modulargrid
ManualAranea PDF Manual
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Altar II description

Crossfade smoothly between Band-pass, Low-pass & High-pass

Altar filter configuration can be smoothly crossfaded from BP to LP to HP. This unusual filter type arrangement brings out very nice harmonics and nuances. It is really suited for CV control. The CV input has an attenuverter.

Resonance is under voltage control with attenuverter as well allowing for great timbre modulations. It is particularly useful to create accent patterns à la 303 which boost the resonance a bit.

You can beef up the signal at Altar‘s input with the gain knob. It will distort the filter core for bigger sounds.

The filter tracks 1V/oct for 4-5 octaves and can turn into a very sweet sine oscillator. Try using it with Miasma as a waveshaper!

The newest revision features a second input and refined resonance and gain circuits.

Altar back

in action

Specs &


  • Gain control to distort the filter core
  • Color crossfading from band pass to low pass to high pass filters
  • Resonance
  • Frequency with 1V/Oct control
  • Dedicated attenuverters on Color, Resonance and Frequency CV

Technical characteristics

  • Entirely new design
  • All discrete filter core
  • 3-pole filter
  • 18dB/oct cut
  • 1V/Oct tracking calibration trimmer on the PCB, tracks up to 4-5 octaves
Power35mA @ +12V
30mA @ -12V
0mA @ +5V
ModulargridAltar on Modulargrid
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Amnis description

Shift Register with linear feedback abilities

Amnis is a shift register with a few tricks up its sleeves. It can be used as a generative sequencer for gates and CV, as a tunable digital noise source, as a random gate and CV generator, as the center of a chaotic system and more.
It needs two input signals to start doing its thing. A Clock and some Data. Data can be pretty much any signals. From these two signals Amnis will generate 8 gate outputs, always on the clock. From these gate outputs, it will generate 3 staircase CVs and a slewed CV. With 8 gates and 4 CV outputs it can be the heart of any patch.
Amnis has an XOR input for linear feedback.
Amnis is compatible with the Turing Machine expanders thanks to its expansion port at the back.

in action

Specs &

Technical characteristics

  • Shift Register
  • Linear Feedback Shift Register
  • 8 Gate outputs
  • 4 CV outputs
  • XOR Input
  • Turing Machine compatible


  • Comparator based Clock and Data inputs with threshold set around 2,5V
Width6HP in 3U
Power85mA @ +12V (maximum recorded draw)
10mA @ -12V
0mA @ +5V
ModulargridAmnis on Modulargrid
ManualPDF Manual (EN)